MDNA: Mountain District Netball Association

MDNA: Mountain District Netball Association

New Umpires

At Mountain District Netball Association, New Umpires Workshops are held in order for umpires to be ready to go out on court and begin umpiring. These workshops are held before the beginning of the Winter (February) and Spring (August) seasons.

To begin umpiring at Mountain District, it is compulsory to attend one of these workshops, as well as completing the Rules of Netball theory exam. You must also have a current VNA, and if over 18, a current Working with Children’s Check.

Please note: to participate in the Winter workshop you must turn 14 years old by 30th June, and to participate in the Spring workshop you must turn 14 years old by 31st December.

We encourage those who are interested in umpiring to read the rule book (and download the Rules of Netball app) to familiarise themselves with rule interpretations, and to get as much umpiring experience as possible (even if this is practising blowing your whistle loudly, or practising umpiring during training sessions).

Please email to enquire about how to begin umpiring, and when the next New Umpires Workshop will be held.